I'm going through the wringer right now. My anxiety was already peaking before I got Covid and this past week has just been rough. I'm through Covid (tested negative yesterday) but since yesterday morning I've been having pain radiating down my legs and intermittent numbness in my left foot, calf, ankle.

Now, I've had random numb moments over the years, but this is a lot more constant. My rational mind is saying maybe all the laying around in bed for the last week has irritated my back/sciatic nerve, etc... and that's the issue. But my anxiety mind is worried it has something to do with Covid or the Paxlovid I was taking. The pain goes down my legs when i look down (like I'm very stiff), so it's radiating straight down my body. And then numbness flares on an off at random times - but very frequently. There's a bit of tingling on the bottom of my left foot that doesn't really go away.

Somewhat unrelated - for the last several weeks - maybe a month - I've randomly been getting a numb spot only on the tip of my left ring finger. I have cubital tunnel issues on my right side, and this is nothing like that. It's just one small spot on the tip of that one finger that just goes numb.

Does anyone have any insight? I have my annual check up with my doctor in three weeks so I was going to bring up the finger thing then (that will stop for like a week at a time and then come back).