I'm 32 year old male, and my only risk factor is that I'm a bit overweight. I did receive a vaccine over a year ago but that was it. So basically, I don't have much for protection. I'm on day 2 of showing symptoms and so far, I'd say the symptoms are mild. I have a temperature ranging from 99 to 100.8 at most. Also have a dry cough sometimes, minor sore throat, and some diarrhea. (I had to go like 4 times this morning.)

I'm worried about a severe outcome from my case that lands me in the hospital and on a ventilator. I always assume the worst with everything which doesn't help reduce my anxiety any but given my risk factor and how it's out of my control, I feel it's only natural to worry.

I was prescribed an antiviral pill called Paxlovid which is known to reduce odds of hospitalization/death by 89%. I start that tonight and am hoping it helps me. While my symptoms are still mild, I want to try to do what I can to avoid things from getting worse. Idk if anyone here can reassure me that things will be okay but yeah, I'm very worried. Lots of people have died from covid so that is what makes me really worry about this.