Hey all,

Okay so im currently on 15mg of vortioxetine for about 11months or more.
I take this for GAD, however I have noticed recently that my mood is okay but my anxiety isn't so great.
Im extremely fatigued and lack motivation to get out and jog or cycle. When I get home I make excuses not
to get off the sofa and get out exercising. Ive put on weight and have a massive belly.

I remember I took lexapro in the past and my anxiety was gone and I had loads of energy and I was at a really
healthy weight. I remember lexapro giving me the get up and go motivation. It was brilliant but the reason why
I stopped it was the non existent libido!
To me this is a big thing in case I find a girlfriend I won't be able to have a proper relationship.
My GP said to up the dose of vortioxetine or sacrifice my libido.

Im really at a crossroads and don't know what way to turn

Any thoughts people?