Hi All,

I'm not sure If I'm posting in the correct section but I was just reaching out for some support and advice.

I am a 29 year old from the UK, I have complex ptsd, depression and anxiety. My current life situation is that my long-term partner is facing extradition to his home country for a minor crime committed over 5 years ago (he was unaware of the charges against him and was convicted in his absence). His extradition appeal hearing is in October and if he is extradited I'm unable to relocate to his country and we will face permanent separation.

I'm quite isolated and with everything that's going on, I feel like I am going through some kind of grieving process. I'm constantly replaying scenarios over in my head and crying all the time when I think about the reality of the possibility we will be forced to separate. He shares a very strong bond with my son who is on the autistic spectrum and I am really scared about everything, sometimes unable to face the day.

If anyone can relate or provide any support, please respond to this.

Kind Regards