10mg of Lexapro changed my life. Was able to get out and do stuff again without crippling anxiety.

After 2yr the anxiety started to slip back in. The first thing that shows up are ectopic heartbeats (heart skipping). Then waves of anxiety follow.

Doctor upped me to 15mg... Good to go, there were no more skipped beats, but more 'general' low level anxiety.

It's been 2 more years and now getting crippling anxiety. Like right now, I want to stop typing, get out of bed and walk 4 steps to my desk to take .5mg Xanax, but I am fearful I will die of heart attack if I stand up. Skipped beats about 20x a day.

I am fearful to go to 20mg as that's where (arguably) Lexapro stops being safe for consumption.

Should I take the plunge to 20mg and give it a month to kick in? (Can't ask my doctor as he's just a GP - and doesn't know crap about anything).. No psychiatrist around me.

Or is there a drug cocktail I could try - someone before mentioned adding a low dose of Buspar with my Lexapro to both stop sexual side effects and promote effectiveness.

Any other drug I could try along with my 15mg Lexapro to try to increase effectiveness, before I jump in the 20mg a day pool?

I'm a pro-pill splitter.. would a bump to 17.5mg be beneficial at all?

THANK YOU>>>>>>>