Hi all

I’m hoping this falls into the benign category of palpitations or ectopics but haven’t found yet too many threads exactly like my scenario.

Sometimes I get bouts of what feels like very fast and out of sync heart rhythm that might last up to 2 mins. I’ve gotten it on occasion for a long time. Maybe once a year or less, but I got it on Friday and sort of set me off a bit.

It’ll usually be triggered by something like stressing my voice or breadth from exercise or a fright or once from drinking a cold smoothie quite quickly.

When it happens I get quite panicked for one and feelings of restlessness like I have to keep moving and want to kickstart my heart back into gear. This ties into a dizzy sort of feeling but I’m not sure if this is the panic itself from the sensation. Then quick as anything my heart will kick back into gear and I will feel fine.

Is this an experience others have?