I don't know if I'm posting in the right place or not.
I recently had a 7 day holter monitor for palpitations, ectopics, etc. Saw Dr for results and although it was a bit abnormal, she said it was fine, nothing to worry about. She was going to scan it to the cardiologist just as a formality and said an echo wasn't necessary. She said to engage with the cbt as she's sure it's anxiety related. This should all reassure me but it doesn't. I'm still having the skipped/extra beats, etc and scares me so much. I have 10mg propranolol to take as and when needed and also 2mg diazepam also to take as and when.
I had a reasonable day yesterday and actually felt calm most of the day, no meds. However, at bedtime I couldn't sleep, despite being tired. Pulse all over the place. Kept dozing then jumping awake.
This morning I woke feeling much the same as many mornings, hyped up, on edge, nervous tummy. I hate it. But I also felt very low mood wise, like I can't shake it off. It's frightening. Is it depression? I didn't feel depressed and don't really have a reason to be, other than the anxiety surrounding my test results. I just don't know what to do, I feel like I'm going crazy. All I want to do is cry, lie on the bed and read. I'm worrying about work. I work from home but am expected to go into the office one day a week, which I feel unable to do. I feel under pressure.
Please, can anyone help or give me advice. I started cbt last Friday.
The only time I feel even remotely relaxed is when I'm watching Call the Midwife and knitting. Sounds silly, but that's the truth.

Thanks for reading, Dee.