I’m 50 yo and scared I have breast cancer.

History: In 2020, I had pain in my right breast right before covid. I had a regular mammogram on both breasts, was called back on the right breast, had a repeat diagnostic mammo and ultrasound, and was told it was benign. To be cautious, I chose to see a breast oncologist who said the breast pain is benign and due to perimenopause hormones. She said the pain would come and go. So then covid hits, and the pain has occurred on and off every few months. It’s always mostly in right breast with a little in left. In 2021, I called my doctor in a panic over the pain and because I was scared to get my mammo due to covid (I have a very high risk child at home). She said it’s ok to skip a year, reiterated the pain is hormones.

Now the pain is happening again but only in my right breast this time. I’m panicking and wondering what if they’re wrong and this is cancer? I scheduled a mammo but can’t get in until December. I also have a call into my doc, but I’m starting to spiral. There are no other breast changes.