I'm struggling at the minute, hoping it will pass but it isn't doing (yet).

My current symptoms are:

- Racing heart
- High Blood Pressure
- Whooshing noise in ear when standing up or moving in bed

This has been building up for a few weeks and feels like it's at it's peak at the minute. I keep waking up at 5/6am with a pounding heart/whooshing noise and racing heart, lasts about 30 seconds then calms down, if i move in bed to another position it happens again, if i go to the toilet it happens, some mornings (like this one) i can be sat at my computer working and it will be a constant state of stress and anxiety and heart pounding.

I took a home BP reading a few days ago and it read 157/97 which sent me into even more panic, GP said i would need to take my BP at home for a week, but i have a real fear of taking it which is why it spikes up, and even just thinking about it now causes anxiety.

Based on previous experience, I know that time and meditation really helped, im trying to meditate every day now but my heart just races throughout and i can't focus on it. I cut out alcohol and started walking in the morning when i wake up as well as eating healthier, but yeah it's getting worse rather than better.

I feel like I need to go through more pain of taking my BP before the GP will give me anything such as propranolol (which on small doses really helped in the past). Do i just need to get it done and stress through it for a week or should I work on other things instead of relying on their medication?