It has been such a long time since I was here - the anxiety has been under control for many years, but it is now back with a vengeance. I'm absolutely consumed with worry that I have pancreatic cancer. I'm a 48 yr old female - a little overweight but otherwise no known risk factors. I have been experiencing mid back pain and pain between shoulder blades for a few weeks (on my good days I believe it to be postural pain from computer use); my digestion is 'off' - bloating, gas, belching and general indigestion and loose stools. I have some mild pains under my ribs. All of these pains move around a lot which is odd. The newest symptoms is constant nausea - I have had this for the last 2 days.

I am now like a woman obsessed - like the 'bad old days'. I cannot switch off from the fear - constant researching, analysing, examining my body for symptoms. I'm so scared of leaving my children, husband and this beautiful life. I just don't know how to move through this. I would love any words of wisdom / sense.