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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Just wanted to share... Our boy Socrates will be 12yo on Nov. 22nd. that puts him at 70yo in human years. I got him at 8 weeks old and he was just 8 months old when my wife and got together. He's been our boy since then but he's definitely more a Daddy's boy. I have to say, I've not known a bond like this to a fur baby in my life. He knew something was wrong before I was diagnosed with cancer and that boy was by my side the entire time, literally. I would travel to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and we'd stay at a cancer house that was close to the hospital so we were gone 5 days a week for 6 weeks (we had a cat sitter to help). From the time we got home on the weekends and after treatment, that boy was like glue and he would bring me toys to play and make me get up and move around. Really, its like he knew what I needed. When my wife took ill and was in the hospital for over three months in 2016, he slept on a blanket she used the entire time and when she finally came home, he was cuddled up with her in bed within minutes. Again, I've had pets in my life but this guy? Pixie Bobs are truly a special breed and he's lived up to their reputation and then some. He's definitely slowed down in the last couple of years for sure which is to be expected.

    The last couple of weeks I've noticed some changes. He's eating less, sleeping a lot more and keeping to himself a lot. He normally sleeps next to me or my wife but he's been sleeping on our sofa where I sit and in various other places by himself the last couple of weeks. I've also noticed he's breathing a little faster as well. Not labored mind you, just faster. There are times he's his usual self, wanting pets and begging for treats but you can definitely tell he's not feeling well most of the time.

    The last check up in June showed increased kidney function readings so I'm concerned. They weren't bad but something to keep an eye on. The vet suggested we bring him in in December to be checked and it appears we're doing that a lot sooner. He said to just keep an eye on him and if we notice changes, contact them. I have an appointment set in the next week so we'll see. Keep our boy in positive thoughts.


    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 07-11-22 at 23:28.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

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