I'm getting really annoyed at how people are viewing and using AI.

There's a new tool on the market called ChatGPT. It's an AI that can write content. It allows people to cheat the writing process and setup websites etc. without even knowing how to write.

I was having a discussion in a freelance writing community and I mentioned that ChatGPT is awful and people should instead learn how to write properly. I got pounced on and trolled.

It's stupid that even the writing community is now in support of using AI tools to generate content.

Another nail in the coffin for cognitive thinking. Why bother to learn to write at all if an AI can do it for you?

I feel old and outdated because I'm not using these "time saving", and "convenient" tools. This ChatGPT tool doesn't pass plagiarism checkers. Google will penalize your website if it thinks you've used AI tools, and it can tell.