Hi...returning...again, after a long time.

I am not new to panic attacks. I am much better at recognising and dealing with them now than I used to be.

Tonight was something else. I am going through a really tough time. Been trying really hard to cope and I have utilised all my tools but I think my sub conscious was struggling. I began to shake all over fairly hard but I wasn't even thinking about my life stressors, then the shaking got so bad, it was like a seizure. I couldn't stop it. I let out the most god awful noise, I don't even know where it came from. Then tears, hyperventilating etc. Anyway, calmed down the tears etc but I shook with no respite, although less severely, for over an hour. I did everything I could to help reduce it, including taking medication and now I am better but my whole body hurts from the shaking. I feel I have been in the boxing ring!

Anyone else experience panic or anxiety like this? Could it have been a seizure?