Hey guys, I recently joined the forum in the throes of an ALS HA scare. I had been twitching almost constantly, and then once I noticed the twitches, they were all that I could focus on so of course they started to happen more often. I had a grandfather with ALS so I was convinced it had come for me. During this time, I was absolutely demolishing cups of coffee all day, because I like the taste and caffeine, and I was an anxious mess. In a moment of clarity, I wondered if the twitching could be caused by the caffeine, so I googled it, and yeah, that's a symptom of being over-caffeinated. So I decided to stop drinking caffeine to see if the twitching stopped. Lo and behold, it's been about a week and the twitching has almost completely subsided. I also am way less anxious in general, which also may have been exacerbated by the caffeine. Anyway, long story short, if you are twitching and drink caffeine, try going without it for a bit, just to see what happens. I promise it'll be cheaper than seeing a neurologist!

Stay strong folks, and I hope you're having a good day.