I didn't really know whether to type this in GAD, IBS or a migraine section on this forum but every time I try to pinpoint something I end up back at my citalopram.

This last year has been wacky and awful on my citalopram. I've been on citalopram for around 15 years and steadily had to increase from 20mg to 30mg and then since last march I was upped to 40mg which I believe is the maximum dose a person can be on with citalopram.

Early last year I went through a stage of constant migraines with aura but the weird thing is that the actual headache isn't the blinding pain you would normally associate with a migraine. It's more of a constant dull pain but I also get the other symptoms. Nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound. It eventually went but then came back again a few months later. I spoke to the GP and I thought it could be down to changing brands of citalopram from one chemist to another. I did the old Dr Google and imbalances of serotonin can affect and cause migraine so is the higher dose causing all of this??

But even though I've upped my dose to the maximum my anxiety seems worse than it was on say 20mg or 30mg in the past. Can it just stop working? Could this be causing my migraines? If it was would they just switch me to a different SSRI or would they all be the same?

I'm really frustrated and down with it all and especially the migraines. Constant dull headache and it really affects my mood. And advice or experience would be greatly appreciated