Hi folks.

I've not been active the past week. My son and other half got ill about 2 weeks ago. I think I posted about this in thread, I thought it was just a regular flu because I'd had COVID start of December. We all did. They've still both got the persistent cough going on.

It slowly started creeping up on me. Today I can't cough because my lungs feel like they're on fire. My breathing is ok, but I feel very run down and feverish.

My other half spends mornings with her friend. Her friend had this first about 2.5 weeks ago. She ended up unknowingly passed it to her mom who is in a care home. I feel bad because her mom only has a week or so to live as it is, without COVID.
I tested last night after I heard her mom was positive. We're all part of the same circle. I'm positive

Honestly, it's depressing now. I've just gotten over a nasty COVID, broken my toe, and now this again. I'm off to bed and try sleep this off.