I've had ibs most of my life but had many years free from flare-ups. As I get older they happen more often. Usually start with an upset tummy then anxiety kicks in and I get stuck in that loop.
This time, I've really tried to rationalise with myself. I really believed that with all my knowledge and experience I could beat it. I'm miserable that nothing seems to work.
I remind myself that I've had this many many times and it WILL go. I eat carefully (maybe not enough?) And I take an anti anxiety pill when I feel too anxious about it. Knowing that the anxiety just prolongs the whole thing. But it continues....the anxiety squeezes past the medication and the stomach cramps continue.
Everything calms down in the evening only to flare up the next morning. I know I'm anxious about a forthcoming trip and that's what's caused it. But how do I get my mind right? I know that as soon as that clicks the symptoms disappear immediately.
Any suggestions please 🙏