Alright guys, this is going to seem really silly but I'm struggling with this a bit. I've been at my current job for about five years now. I enjoy it, and I'm good at it. I am currently deciding if I want to stay and apply for a job that my current boss says may open up in a year or so, or if I want to do something else (but that's not super relevant here).

In the five years I've been here, we've done most of the office cleaning ourselves. We do have a custodian who empties trash and some other minor things, but deep cleaning/vacuuming isn't something that really happens unless we do it. Our previous head of the office left about a year ago and we have a new person who took the job. He asked me about having the office deep cleaned (something that probably hasn't happened since the start of covid) and I said I would ask the custodian - so I did. After a couple of weeks, he came back to me and asked me why it hadn't happened. I explained I had asked but would ask again - so I did. The custodian said that he would get to it when he had time and then also left the vacuum in our office but hasn't been back since and it's been about a week and a half.

I'm worried I may have made a blunder because when I asked the second time I made the joke that we used to do the vacuuming ourselves and had an office vacuum which had been taken away. So even though I asked the custodian to do it, I'm worried that he may have thought I just needed the vacuum to do the cleaning myself, like we had done in the past. My other boss asked me today what was up with the vacuum, and mentioned our boss had asked about having cleaning done, so I told him what I'd said and what the custodian had said, but that I'm not the most pushy person so may have reached a stalemate.

I'm not sure what to do. Even though I successfully work with our customers daily, I'm afraid that me not being able to get this done will reflect poorly on me if I do go for the open position in the future. I'm at the point where I'd just do it myself (and have, some) but I'm rarely in the office alone anymore so I don't have the chance to do so. I just felt really weird about it on the onset, because making the request implied the custodian wasn't doing their job correctly and also because it's not a request we ever would have made. But after asking twice, I'm not really sure there's much more I can do.

Any advice? One of my bosses has been here a lot longer than I have, and I think he's understanding of the situation as he probably sort of expects it, but I'm afraid of the newer boss becoming angry with me and assuming that I either can't get this simple task done or thinking that I'm deliberately not doing it.