
I’m very anxious right now. For the past 9/10 months I have been going back and forth to my GP because of ca125.

It started in September 2022, roughly 9 months ago. I went to my GP with bowel issues and they did a ca125 test. It came back at 53 so it required an urgent referral for ultrasound which came back clear.

Fast forward 8 weeks I was retested. It had risen to 95. My gynaecologist said that because this test can fluctuate in someone my age (25 at the time), she would just retest it in 8 weeks and if it increases again it would be another scan. Anyway, I retested and it came back at 54. So lower, but still not below the normal 35 level. During this time my periods were very irregular and the tests were taken either day 1 of period or not long after it had ended. My gynae was happy with this so she discharged and I left it.

6 months later my GP asks me to redo this test to see if it has come down - it came back at 86. The test was taken on the last day of my period. So I have once again been referred to gynae.

I’m so anxious about what is going to happen next. I keep thinking that something was missed on the first scan. Has anyone else had similar experiences? Can someone’s cycle have this much impact?