Hi all. I have been largely OK for the last 12 months or so but stomach issues have reared their ugly head again in the last 10 days. It started with a bit of an upset tummy one night and has now led to increasingly uncomfortable abdo pains and wind. I don't feel them at night but as soon as I wake in the morning, I am aware of the pain. It moves around from right across my belly button to low on the right or low on the left - really crampy and uncomfortable. I have trapped wind/burping too. MY BMs weren't good for a few days after stomach upset but now seem reasonably normal and no bleeding/weight loss/fatigue etc.. They just won't go away and it's so draining!! I had similar symptoms this time last year before kids went back to school/Uni. I'm also in the middle of a divorce and am a part time student struggling financially so stress is there!
My friend was diagnosed with bowel cancer at 52 (I am 51!!). I stupidly looked at Google and now I think this is the same or Ovarian cancer! Don't know what to do!!