Hi all,

Freaking out a fair bit. For the last month or so, I've been having bouts of diarrhoea but in the last week it's now a couple of times every day which is very unusual for me. I always suffer a bit more once the warm weather kicks in but not this badly.

I started taking sertraline/zoloft nearly 2 months ago and wondered if that might be causing it bit my doctor is unconvinced. He suggested stool samples which I'm awaiting the results of now and I'm so stressed about what might turn up on it (which I know is only exacerbating things). Just now, I decided to weigh myself for the first time in several months and it's nearly 10 pounds less than the last time I checked which I wasn't expecting. I haven't been eating much the last few days though because of anxiety and the fear of it just going straight through me.

I'm so worried that it's going to be colon or pancreatic cancer and that I'm going to have to have some kind of invasive procedure for more tests. I don't know what I'm looking for with posting here tbh, I know it's just a waiting game but I just wanted to vent I guess. I will take any soothing words on offer though.