Hi there

I have recently (2 weeks ago) started high intensity CBT for health anxiety. I have struggled with HA for around 18 years.

I am trying really hard to rationalise my thoughts and work through them. This has initially worked. The primary area I worried about (a boob) I have made peace with and I have realised its normal.

However, over the last week I have become obsessed with the lymph nodes surrounding the area I was worried about. I check hundreds of times a day and sometimes feel things, sometimes I don't. Then I get back into the usual cycle of check, google, panic, repeat. The lymph node area is much easier to check and I don't need to go hiding away to poke and prod like I would when I was fixated on a boob. It's driving me a bit mad.

I guess my question is, can CBT make you feel worse or make you focus your attention elsewhere?