Hi I'm currently on duloxetine 30mg.

I was originally on 60mg but still feeling low. Over the years over tried so many different meds and my doc suggested it may be a case of them not doing very much and I should try coming off them.

On weds I reduced to 30mg and since then I've felt so full of rage, irritable and mega low mood. Is it possible to feel the side effects so quickly from the reduction in dose?.

How I'm feeling at the moment I'm too scared to try and come off them as I feel horrendous.

Just for background info, my husband passed away 14 months ago. I have been on antidepressants mostly for the last 10 years.

I'm going to speak to the doctor on Monday and say that it doesn't feel the right time to come off these meds.

I don't know what to suggest next? I'm exhausted and everything feels like hard work