So I had days ago one day when I all of a sudden got nausea, bitter taste in the mouth , a lot of random burping... Had some Manuka honey, and was careful for a few days after that with food and drinks. Stomach completely calmed down, burping diminished to what I believe is normal amount, bad taste disappeared, however.... since then, for days, I have a feeling in my throat, sort of burning , I have to clear my throat way too often, my voice seems different ( at least to me - like I am not able to speak in my normal voice, and it is lower too)...I am scared , and I managed to get an appointment with my ENT tomorrow, hoping it is some kind of silent reflux ( that I never had before, by the way, neither silent nor real reflux). What if it is not, or what if it is and will be hard to treat? I know I am overreacting, but that is why I am here, on the Forum, hoping to get some comfort and maybe advice? How can this feeling of burning stay for days on? Is silent reflux dangerous (LPR)? Very scared, to say the least. Thank you for any response.