Been a long time since I posted but having a real hard time atm, went to doctors last week about something totally different was very anxious going in and they took my BP, it was very high 160/104. Which sent me into further panic, they gave me a home monitor and asked me to do it in morning and night and make a diary. My morning readings at home although still anxious have varied from 115/135 on top line and 82/95 on bottom line. The evening ones are a lot worse the first one is always really high and I try to calm myself down before taking again, again the readings have varied from 137/150 and bottom 90/101. I am constantly anxious and the thought of taking it has made me even worse, question I’m asking has anyone else had this issue, could it be super high BP or anxiety! I think they are lower in the morning as I haven’t given myself time to get worked up? Any advise welcome please I’m not functioning very well!