You know that feeling when you know of somebody who has died, but didn't really know them well enough? Well I feel like this right now.

Next to where I live there was a small wooded area and some grass land. I've been walking the dog on it since I've been here and it felt quite safe because it was literally next door to my home.

There's over 100 trees there. Some older than me. There were at least 2 foxes living in there because we seen them every night. Haven't seen the foxes now for a good 5 days. Something is off because I always see them.

I walked the dog this morning and noticed half of the trees were gone. I've no idea how they've done this so quickly. Practically overnight! I was just making a cup of tea and noticed trees going down.

It feels deeply sad. I don't know why. Trees are alive, and they provide homes for nature. This area has lots of nature. My dog sat on the grass looking at the missing trees and he looked confused.

I just stood there staring thinking "This is such a shame. This isn't right".

The foxes will now have to relocate to the wooded area across the road. But there lies the problem. The roads. Poor things :(