My neighbor underneath me is an older lady. In her 60's at least. Her husband has dementia. They shout a lot, but I understand the situation is complex and I don't mind it. I'm not affected by it in this case, I'll put my headphones on.

I took the dog for his toilet today, and when I came back my nephew was waiting for me outside. My neighbor downstairs was talking to him.

I noticed she looked run down, and tired. But I said hello to her. Didn't really know what to say to her, so I just started talking about the trees that were cut down.

I asked my nephew what she was talking about.

Apparently she was asking about me and if I'm ok. She said to him I'm a quite person, and she worries if I'm ok because she doesn't see me a lot. Sometimes I'm low, and I guess people can sense or see that.

Anyway, she said she really likes me and thinks I'm a good person. She told my nephew I'm her favorite neighbor.

It was cool to hear. Put a smile on my face. Today has been a difficult day. Constant panic attacks and some pretty dark thoughts atm. I'm pulling through, going to discuss it on 21st with my psych.

But I want to do something nice for her. Is there anything I can buy her as a gift that she might appreciate? I'm useless with this stuff. Just something to cheer her up.
