Went to my appointment with psychiatrist today. Went ok, but I had a panic attack mid session and he left the room to give me space. That just made me worse! I wanted to run, but I was far from home and had nowhere to run to. I asked him to get a nurse to check my pulse because my heartbeat was skipping constantly. He reassured me it was just the anxiety and left me to take some deep breaths and got me some water.

My Quetiapine has been upped to 400mg. Which is not good because 50mg makes me drowsy, and tired. That's a big jump. Other meds been upped too.

I was in there for nearly 2 hours. Had to explain my whole life. I explained a lot, but also left a lot out because I forgot my journal.

I'm being tested for ADHD. Which makes sense. I didn't know you can have ASD and ADHD. Apparently it's common and he sees it a lot. I've got 4 different anxiety disorders, and they're related to being on the spectrum. He said he sees it a lot too.

I don't respond well to anti depressants, which means the anxiety and depression is a symptom being caused by something else. He says other patients he treats for this combination of illnesses respond well to higher doses of quetiapine.

Also I'm not mad! Thank goodness. I thought I might have something more serious like schizophrenia. So that's good news.

I've got my next appointment after Christmas I think. Also being referred for one to one treatment with somebody who specializes in treating this. Waiting list is long is the only problem. He said 12 months.

I've forget what else he said.

I'm interested to know more about ADHD. I don't have hyperactivity. I thought this was a requirement for the diagnosis, but he said its not. It does explain a few problems I have. I can never finish a project, and I'm easily sidetracked. I'll start one thing, and then start something else mid way through.

I'd be interested to know how ADHD affects other people.