I am falling back into the ALS/MND spiral and have been extremely worried the past couple weeks as a result of new symptoms that I fear could be related to ALS. I do hope anyone can give me some insight / advice on this as I am struggling with dealing with this.

In this time, I have been experiencing a nerve sensation in my left index finger. The best way to describe this is that the sensations feels like a combination of nerve buzzing / electrical shock / the stretching or snapping of a band. There is also tingling and a bit of numbness and it is all in my left index finger.

Weirdly, it is not constant but happens in certain movements / motions. For instance, I notice it heavily when I am driving and stretch my fingers out to put the radio on or change gear. It also happens often if I replicate these movements and extend my finger outwards. It feels really weird and it's like I can feel the entire nerve down that finger react and snap.

I can't help but worrying this is related to ALS. I have had twitching for years all over my body which doctors have reassured me about, but now anytime any nerve-related thing happens, I can't help but think it is related to something neurological like ALS. If anyone has any thoughts on this, I would be so grateful.