Quote Originally Posted by Peter A View Post
HMV was gone for years, except online, before resurfacing on Princes Street opposite Waverley Bridge. There had been a branch at Ocean Terminal too, but it's probably not there anymore. It's all being rebuilt.
I presume you're referring to Edinburgh.

Yes, it's wonderful that said outlet appears to be undergoing something of a revival of late, but as to how sustainable it might be is another question, especially in our increasingly fickle economy and our tendency to complacency as a society.

Having said that, I recall quite a few people dismissing the vinyl revival as a 'passing fad' back in the late 2000s and early 2010s, and how wrong they turned out to be.

In fact, I even remember being told I was mad for never straying from the format back in the 90s, though I did use CDs as well, especially as new releases on vinyl dried up dramatically as said decade wore on.