On the 23rd I had a few drinks with the ex and some friends. I haven't been drinking, and haven't drank since. But I was sick that night. And the next day felt horrendous. I thought it was the alcohol, but it seemed strange as in retrospect I didn't drink enough to feel like I did.

I was ill through Christmas. Spent it with my ex and son. Couldn't eat Christmas dinner because I was ill. I went home on the 26th.

Yesterday I developed a sore throat like sandpaper and now a chest infection. It's so painful. Everywhere hurts. My lungs burn. I am struggling to take the dog a few yards because I get out of breath coming back up the stairs in the block.

My son had this around the 14th. Identical symptoms. Starts with stomach ache and nausea/vomitting and then develops into a chest infection. I told him to come home from school because he was really bad. The ex now is. My uncle visited on the 26th, and now he has it. My brother won't visit because he doesn't want it. Which is a bummer because I need supplies, and I'm waiting to receive my new card from bank (lost it over xmas). So can't even use just eat.

But this isn't nice. Walking to the toilet is hard and I end up shivering so bad. Radiators are on full blast.

I've never known a chest infection to follow a sickness bug.