Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
As for bus drivers, I've come across my share who have bad attitudes. The times they drive past your stop and don't even apologise. I had one years ago that went 2 stops with a queue to get off before I had a go at the idiot. Made us all late for work.
While I acknowledge that bus drivers and public transport workers in general are often performing a thankless task and chronically underpaid (as demonstrated in particular by all the train strikes since around mid 2022), there's always been certain intimidating attitude-ridden, jobsworth-type drivers who are so up themselves, and act as if they own the buses themselves that they're driving.

Ditto for certain taxi drivers as well.

Of course, they're obviously in the minority and most are nice and friendly 99% of the time, which also applies to shop assistants, doctors/nurses, police officers, firefighters, school teachers, etc, of which there will, unfortunately, always be a certain amount of irate, power-mad, jobsworth types too.