Interested to know if there's any expert gamblers, horse experts, or football experts here who would be willing to work on a software project with me.

I know little about horses and football, but I've been interested in CAW (Computer Assisted Wagering) for a long time. I studied gambling when I was 17 from some good books. But I didn't have the programming skills to do anything with it.

Now I do. and today with have AI. I understand linear regression and have write software that demonstrates I know what I'm doing.

The problem is I'm not a domain expert in this. I know little about horses, and football. Which are the 2 sports that have a lot of data that can be used for backtesting, analysis and simulation. I need somebody who I can question and pick there brains. Somebody who can offer suggestions, and ideas too.

I use the Go programming language, and I consider myself an expert with it.

So now I need one or more people who can work with me utilizing their knowledge of gambling, or horses, or football. So if you have those skills and you're interested in having a bit of fun let me know.


I do not use real money. This is fantasy gambling. I will never ask you to use real money or sign up to anything.