Following on from reading about AI-generated poetry, here’s some I was promptly prompted to prompt... Now, be honest...

In Ressurection

In faith's embrace
God's love bestows
As humans seek
Our spirit grows
From depths of darkness
We rise anew
Resurrection's grace
In each heart’s true

In dusty tombs
Timeless states unfold
Where faith reigns strong
Transcending mortal mould
God's mighty hand
Extends from realms above
To resurrect our souls
With boundless love.

In faith's embrace
We find redemption's light,
Through God's grace,
Our souls take flight,
Human hearts restored
By divine might,
In resurrection's song
Our spirits unite.

In moments of demise
We meet our breath's last dance,
Where faith and science cease
And doubts and fears advance,
For death, an eternal truth
We all must understand,
A chapter in our human tale
By nature's steadfast hand.

An Anxious Moment

Anxiety, you storm within my mind
A swirling sea of worries that bind
Calamity unleashed with every thought
Reassurance sought, but fear still caught
In this uncertain dance of gain and loss
Anxiety reigns a relentless boss

Anxiety, my constant decree
A chaos drifting over me
Through clouds of worry
I seek respite
Yet find no solace
day or night

Anxiety rises, a storm in my chest
Catastrophe strikes, leaves me stressed
Seeking reassurance, a balm to my fears
But finding only woe, I drown in tears

PS: I had to tidy up some of this because AI got the rhyme wrong.