Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
Don’t Panic!

In shrieking bulletins, where words are lies,
There lurks the false and fooling guise,
Of moral panic, its cold grip tightened,
A summoned spectre to keep us frightened

With trembling heart and troubled mind,
We all fall prey, forever blind,
To those tales of baseless fear,
Because it’s what we want to hear.

For logic bends and reason sways,
When panic's hand with mischief plays,
A cacophony of chaos, shocking, loud,
Drowns the voice of truth unbowed.

And in its wake it leaves us foul,
Disturbed peace and angry soul
Whence trust is lost and sense departs,
Leaving nothing but doubt in hearts.

For moral panic, born of naught,
Wields power without a caring thought,
Condemning lives by society’s trial,
In its pursuit of senseless bile.

Oh, blind and futile stupidity,
You are the bane of sanity,
For under your influence sense goes awry,
And reason becomes madness, by and by.

Can we command against this tide,
Bearing the sword of truth at our side?
With pinch of salt should we swallow,
Invented horrors which ring hollow?

Yes, let us strive to break the chains,
Of all ignorance that still remains,
And rise above this senseless fray,
Embracing honesty, come what may.

Did you write this one yourself Pain? It's very good.