I am nearly 60 and agoraphobic.
I haven't left my house, except to put the bins out, in nearly 4 years. My son has recently moved quite away from me, and I really want to visit him, plus, as I'm getting older, I want to move house to be closer to where he lives (he is all the family I have). The problem is I really don't know how I'm going to do it. The whole thing makes me feel sick when I think about it.
I have been mildly agoraphobic for quite a few years, and have always pushed myself to go out to do shopping etc, but I have got worse since my son first moved out in early 2020. I have learnt that pushing myself does not work, it used to take me all day to pluck up the courage to go to my local shop.
I really want to visit my son, but I am so scared. Is there anything I can do to help myself with this, or would you not advise me not to go?

Thank you for reading.