Thanks, Carn. I know you are around if I need you. I remember all the mess you has to plough through to get things done that should have come naturally to them.

I said to my GF it's not like the old saying about pulling teeth. It's more like pulling them, putting them back in then pulling them out again.

Thanks, pulisa. Yes, she was really helpful. She had been here a few years ago when mums legs started off and is a relative of one of mum's old work mates.

I think we are on top of oxygen monitoring but still finding our feet fitting the nebuliser treatment in (not that the hospital did it 4 times a day...). She hasn't needed more than 4 doses of oral morphine so far and has taken it really well. Earlier in her stay she would try to push it out.

I've shown dad how to do all the treatments and he is doing fine. Now the catheter is out we just need to keep on top of changes. I was surprised just how easy she passed water after it being in 6 months. Despite dad being a bit stressed over bed changes its mich better out to reduce infection risk.

Had to laugh when the ambulance crew asked if they could stretcher her in. I said no chance due to lack of space and they were a bit unwilling to take her using a chair. I reminded them we have steps, so you cant stretcher anyway, and the fact their own crew had no concerns using a chair the week before. They were very helpful and very nice after that.