Mine started about 16 years ago, it was just a few months after my daughter was born and I started to panic over missing a few smear tests and convinced myself I had cervical cancer. I couldn't get the thought of leaving my 2 young kids without a mother out of my head. I got the all clear from that one and was fine for probably a good few months after that until something else cropped up. This was how it began for me. I'd have a break from health anxiety for a few months but as time went on, months turned into weeks, then days, until eventually I ended up the way I am now, constantly worrying about every little thing. Worry becomes a habit, and it's a habit that's very hard to break.
I've wasted so much time worrying, but that doesn't make it any easier to stop doing it.
How about you jojo, where did yours begin? How long have you suffered from HA?