I was just looking at the 'Comic Relief 2024' thread on Digital Spy and there were the typical remarks from certain FMs there about how boring and unfunny said event has been compared to what it was years ago.

The irony is some FMs on DS by the same token have been known to harp on about certain 'veteran' comedians also being boring and unfunny (both then and now), pretty much regardless of all the 'non-PC' stuff; whether for, against or 'on the fence'.

Although I've never really been that bothered about the likes of Comic Relief, etc, per se, I do wonder if many people have become more boring themselves over the years as they seem keen to point out what's wrong with many shows and TV programmes in general (both current and historical), whose potential 'flaws' would have usually passed unnoticed by most people in the past.

Are we just too fastidious and 'know-it-all' armchair experts nowadays?