Hi everyone.
I've suffered with anxiety pretty much all my life, and thrived on it tbh. I've had some pretty high stress jobs in the past and just got on with it. Lived for the stress, the rush..... but now, I realise its probably the worst thing I could have done. Never switching off or relaxing.
I went through some huge life changes 3yrs ago. Split from my husband of 20yrs in the middle of starting up a new self employed bricks and mortar business. Then closing that business 2yrs later..... hitting rock bottom and almost loosing everything financially.
But..... in the midst (6months after split) I found my soulmate. It just happened, and he is my absolute rock.
I've slowly tried to build myself back up. New job, money improving etc and I've nothing really to feel anxious about!!! But my panic attacks and general anxiety are constantly kicking my butt. And I've had enough.
I've never, ever joined a forum of any kind in the past so hoping your experiences can help. And in turn we can all help each other xx