Hi Debs, so glad things have turned out good, they usually do but I 100% know how you were feeling, I have reacted that way so many times in the years I’ve had HA and yes you feel so foolish afterwards but it never stops you reaching that way again, does it...You are not on your own, I’m sure loads of people react that way, it’s the anxiety brain that takes over and all different scenarios go through your mind and not good ones, we are our own worst enemies at times.

Logically of course the Dr would have been in touch sooner if he was concerned about anything, now you have calmed down you can see that but not at the time your mind is going at a million miles an hour, logic goes out of the window.

Anyway you are absolutely fine and your dr was right with his diagnosis, you have had a thorough check up and now back on 3 yearly checks, they wouldn’t have advised that if they had any concerns. Put this all behind you now and relax..