Hey all,

Second round of Citalapram after a 15 year stretch of only background anxiety. 3 weeks ago I Suffered a mild concussion/head trauma and now found myself in a position where I'm very anxious/depressed and getting very little sleep, due to misdiagnosing it, and the whole scenario being mega stressful. I'm off work to recover which isn't helping, as I'm the support for the family.

Thought i'd do a diary, as it seems to help:

Day 1
Zero sleep
Took first 10mg at around 1pm. Also on propanalol. Spoke to doc, and he prescribed zopiclone as I've not slept for 3 days due to horrific night panic/jumps as I drift off to sleep, with no restbit at all.

Day 2
Zero sleep
Took cit and propanalol first thing. Noticed prefused sweating, was concerned it was Seritnonin overload. Also pupils are large. Unsure if source of anxiety is from lack of sleep.
Waves of high anxiety today, dark thoughts. Sitting and starring alot, mixed with being very wrestless and doing random tasks. Crying the gP's office over sleep is another low point to add to this life.

Let's hope I can sleep tonight with some assistance...