
Ive just had a horrible experience at my local supermarket...in fact I may never venture into one again.

i was in getting some things for dinner at a particularly busy time (after school...big mistake). As 2 of my 3 children have been unwell all week I was running low on paracetamol/ibuprofen for their high temp/sore head/sore throat. as they are different ages I needed to buy childrens ibuprofen and also the same in tablet form and some paracetamol tablets (my 15 year old is looking like he might come down with it too.) This was all fine I thought. In fact I was quite proud of myself for being so organised and thinking ahead (not usually my strong point).

Till I was merrily packing my bags, only to hear an alarm sound. Then the assistant announced in a loud voice (in fact she definitely shouted..I'm sure of it) 'I cant sell you these...theyre restricted items...you cant buy more than 2'.

All 300 people in the shop were by this time looking at me waiting for my feeble excuse as to why I was buying THREE items for pain relief. Stupidly I tried to explain myself...but by this time I was a stuttering, blushing wreck. There may as well have been flashing neon signs above my head...I swear everyone stopped to see what I would do. Alarms ringing,shop assistants shouting..I suppose you cant blame them for looking. Im sure they all thought I was either obviously some sort of addict or clearly a terrible mother who feeds her kids a diet of paracetamol and ibuprofen. Then she announced in an equally loud voice that she would do me a favour..THIS TIME...and put it through as a separate transaction....whoopee...I just wanted to crawl back to my car. I did manage not to cry with humiliation...but i dont think I'll be able to face going in there for a while.

I'm sure I'll be able to laugh it off soon but right now I'm still burning with embarrasment. Its my worst nightmare being the centre of attention, especially for the wrong reasons. I think I'm even more embarrased with my response...I was a bumbling wreck who mustve looked guilty as anything...though of what I'm not sure. If I had just been supercool and not tried to explain maybe I couldve maintained some dignity.

Anyway sorry i know this is probably a pointless post but I just needed to 'share' my humiliation...or am I just being daft and oversensitive?

Coni x