hi sarah
im agoraphobic have been many years, i do manage to get out with friends coming with me to the supermarket and doc's etc and i went to the meet-up on sunday that was the farthest i had been in 5years, last december we moved into our house , i knew before i moved in i was'nt going to be well, the anxiety i felt was terrifying, i cried so much all because of anticipatory anxiety, when my partner went to work i went to my mom's house which is only down the road from me,but he had to follow me there every morning as i was sure i wouldnt make it , i couldnt come back to the house on my own, it took me till middle of january to finally do it, i just got in the car with my dog and said to myself "well if its going to happen then bring it on i'm not going to be scared to stay in my own house anymore" now dont get me wrong ,i phoned people if i felt funny, i had the telly on in one room, the telly on in another and the radio on upstairs so that where ever i went there was noise, now i can stay in my house and im not afraid ( oh and i did get the relaxation tapes out even though at times my concentration was'nt good i persevered with it and it does help)sorry to ramble on a bit but if you ever need to talk then pm me anytime and please try not to worry about what others might or might not be thinking, if you cant do something today then just try tomorrow, but remember what ever you attempt to do your not failing if you dont reach that point you've set yourself, always say well i tried ok i didnt get there today but the next time i'll try a bit further, i do know how your feeling sarah as i was at that point just a few months ago and i very much feel for you, take one day at a time and see how you go
take care