Hello all

Just looking for some advice. I've had a headache now for about 2 weeks and don't really know what to do about it.

It's not a crippling headahce, just a nagging pain down the back of my head, sort of at the sides. I thought it was dehydration, so have been drinking masses of water. No improvement. Then I pumped myself full of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol for a few days as well. No improvement.

I often get a headache in the sun when I don't have sunglasses on. That's what this headache feels like - almost like too much light is getting into my eyes. But it's not that

Just wondering what it could be (trying very hard not to engage with thoughts of brain tumours, and avoiding googling at all costs!).

I wondered if maybe it's red wine. I tend to drink a couple of glasses in the evening. I've never had headaches from it before, but maybe that's what it is. Or, maybe a tension headache? I've never had them, but it seems kind of likely. Not sure how you get rid of them. Any ideas? Anyone?

Or maybe I have spent too much time on the computer recently. I don't know

Also felt incredibly tired today, but have been working very hard and it's been stressful, so maybe that's all it is.

Would you go to the doctor's? I don't want to look stupid, but it is starting to get me down

Thanks for any advice you can offer xxx