On Tuesday I had some very disturbing news.
I was extremeley anxious all day Tuesday and all day yesterday.
Last night while my hubby was at work I had a really severe panic attack. In desperation I rang my friend for help.
For almost an hour she was on the phone to me calming me down and helping me cope.
I havent had a severe attack for a few months now. So this morning when I woke up I was feeling really down and fearful that they had returned.
Within minutes of me waking up my friend was on the phone to me congratulating me. She said she was so proud of me and how well Id coped last night.
Its made me realise how lucky I am to have her as a friend.
Sometimes its friends who help us more than family.
Theres a saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed". I just hope my friend doesnt think "A friend in need is a bloody pest!"

Take care