Hi all

Does anyone else feel they have "air hunger"?

I have had this before - it lasted a few months and then went away. This time, I have had it for about 3 months and it is driving me mad! From morning until night, I am aware that I keep taking deep breaths, yawning or sighing. If I try to consciously stop myself, I feel panicy like I am suffocating. It has become a real habit that I can't break. The problem is that it is on my mind all the time so breathing doesn't seem like a natural unconscious thing any more. I wish I could just forget about it but it is so hard to.

I am 5 months pregnant too and have suffered from heartburn, bloatedness and GERD symptoms throughout which doesn't help. My chiropracter says that my diaphragm is really tight too. I have just started a pregnancy yoga class so that may help. Can anyone recommend anything else?

I have palpitations as well and feel anxious all the time, thinking that this is something worse than it is. Any help or kind words will be greatly appreciated! Thanks