We had a thread a little while ago about the possibility of doing an NMP book filled with tips and articles by the members of NMP - a book seems a little over ambitious at this juncture but a pamphlet is perfectly achievable and could run alongside the flyers that Alex and Nic are producing.

I had in mind 3 sheets of A4 folded in half and stapled down the middle, which gives a front cover and a back cover with 10 pages inbetween.

I thought all our tips/articles could be set out like a newspaper contained in little boxes and grids using different fonts. Also putting the forum name of the person against their tip etc.

To cover costs a small charge could be made for the pamphlets - I don't think anyone would mind this as I bet we will all want to have one handy!!

Therefore could we all try and give what tips have worked for us - imagine your best mate suddenly says to you that they have started suffering, what would one of your tips be to them????

On the post below I will put some ideas and also could someone dig out the 'What's in your anxiety toolbox thread' cos that had loads of good ideas!

Love Piglet