I feel so agitated, I can't shake it off. All the symptoms of anxiety are here: shakey, trembling, dizzy, unreal feelings...etc. What brought it on is that I had been thinking about how likely it is for me to go over into insanity from anxiety. I have a family history of schizophrenia. My grandad had it, ended with suicide, my rbother had it, same ending, and now my dad is showing all the symptoms as he just had a stroke 3 months ago and it left him with delusional "mental impairement", paranoid schizophrenia.
Here is my thoughts on it:
  1. My family has a history of mental illnesses, that makes me genetically predesposed to it :(
  2. That makes it even more likely that I will have it too
  3. In fact I'm so prone to paranoid thinking myself, that surely is an indicator
  4. Because I already have such a "weak" character, I'm nowhere near tough, I can't even shake off the anxiety and be rational about it.
  5. I keep hearing, seeing "reminders" of this fear everyhwere. Seeing people on the streets talking to themselves, hearing from dad every day how he is being followed by members of the maffia...etc. Even films love to use this illness as a great twist for film endings (eg. Fight Club)
It all just fuels the fear and although I try my best to NOT give in to the fear I keep thinking its just inevitable to happen to me too :(:(:(

On top of that I have to go to work in a minute, but am feeling soooo crap :(

Anyone has a "rational" insight?