Here's my new thread, boring name.... I know. the last one was getting a bit long and has some stuff I'd rather forget. Also I think those 100 page threads can be a bit intimidating for new people on the site and discourages people from posting on them. So feel free to add your 2p.

To recap, I have depression, anxiety / panic disorder and BPD. I've had some terrible times due to my self destructive behaviour and have lost my home, my job and most of my friends.

I hope I've reached my lowest point, as I've now moved into a new flat and am trying to sort my life out again. The initial excitement of my new place is starting to wear off, and I've been getting progressively more edgy as time goes on. Generally I think I'm doing better than I was, so far my therapy has been helping me disengage when I get into a mess and feel the urge to self harm, I just hope things don't get worse again.

I made it to the GP this morning, was very anxious and got told off again for drinking. Then made it to the council and back without any anxiety, did skip the trip to argos for a phone as the weather is awful here.

Was in a bit of a muddle this morning as I woke up too early with a bit of a fuzzy head from the wine last night, then went back to sleep and almost overslept and missed my apt, in the rush I forgot to take my certificate to get my prescriptions so I have to go back out in the rain in a bit.

Then I can have a relaxed afternoon doing a bit of touching up on my painting from yesterday. Btw, one coat paint does not work on bright orange!

I should get my furnature and white goods from the council / charity delivered tomorrow, so hopefully I can buy more than a pint of milk without fear of it going off, sleep in a proper bed and do my favourite thing watching mindless tv, but while sitting on a sofa.
